Sunday 28 December 2014

Many are familiar with the pain and discomfort associated with sensitive teeth. This oral problem plagues people all around the world, and it can make the simple exercise of enjoying your favorite foods or drinks a challenge. While this challenge might make life difficult, the good news is that this condition is often treatable.

Tooth pain and discomfort normally associated with sensitive teeth issues arise most often when drinking cold liquids, or while eating hot or cold foods. For some, breathing cold air can also trigger pain. If you experience sensitive teeth issues and the pain becomes unbearable, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible. Extreme pain could be an indication that the nerve ending is exposed.

In most cases, the cause of sensitive teeth results in a receding of the gums, which normally offer a protective barrier for the roots of your teeth. If your gums become problematic, they may recede and leave the roots exposed which increases sensitivity. This occurs because the exposed tips of the root contain small tubules that provide a conduit to the nerve in the root of the tooth and this can trigger the pain and discomfort associated with sensitive teeth. Those with healthy gums will be less likely to experience issues with sensitive teeth because the gums tend to cover these tubules so there is less exposure to the nerves.

Since healthy gums are so important to the prevention of issues with sensitive teeth, it is important to engage in dental hygiene that promotes healthy gums. One of the most common causes of premature gum wear is excessive pressure while brushing. If you use too much force, damage can occur to the edges of your gums, which would normally protect the roots from exposure. It is important to brush thoroughly but gently to prevent the tearing of your gums.

Your brushing technique is not the only thing related to your brushing that can have an impact on sensitive teeth. You can also utilize a specialty toothpaste formulated with potassium nitrate, which may help with pain and discomfort for sensitive teeth.

If you practice gentle brushing and utilize a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth and your sensitive teeth issues persist, you should schedule an appointment to see come in to Pearland Dentist for an exam.

Posted on 22:30 by Unknown

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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Any time between the ages of 17 to 25, people will notice that their last set of teeth will begin to form toward the back of the mouth and these molars are known as wisdom teeth. Often, these teeth are considered for removal, a topic that can be controversial for many. While wisdom teeth do not pose any inherent danger, they can cause pain or discomfort in some people and for those cases, removal should be considered. In other cases, wisdom teeth function just like normal teeth and do not cause any issues.

There are sometimes complications, which arise as wisdom teeth develop. One of the most common problems occurs when the teeth become impacted. In this situation, the normal procedure is to have them removed, and this can sometimes be accomplished by pulling them, but in other cases, the teeth must be removed by an oral surgeon. If you are a candidate for the removal of your wisdom teeth, a consultation with an oral surgeon will be required.

Consultations for surgical wisdom teeth removal will typically involve a physical exam of your mouth along with x-rays that will tell the oral surgeon everything necessary to facilitate the removal. Once the surgeon has all the necessary information, you will be advised of your options. One of the decisions you will need to make is whether to go under sedation or to undergo surgery with a local anesthesia. With sedation, you will be asleep during the procedure and will have no awareness of what is happening, but under a local anesthesia, you will remain conscious. The local anesthesia produces a numbing of the mouth and gums so you will not feel any pain but you will be fully aware of what is happening.

The process of removing wisdom teeth can sometimes be easy for the surgeon, but in other cases, the effort can be complicated by the size, shape and formation of the teeth. In some cases, the roots of the wisdom teeth are bound to the jawbone in a way that makes them difficult to remove. In either case there will be some pain related to the surgery afterwards, but there should be very little swelling if any. You will be prescribed medication for post-surgery pain management and if you had IV sedation you will not be able to drive yourself home so arrangements will have to be made for your transportation after the surgery.

The healing process is something that will be discussed with your dentist and it is important to follow any written or verbal instructions you receive so that the healing process will go quickly. For the first 24 hours it is best if you are not left alone due to the anesthesia, and your diet will be restricted in order to avoid damage to any of the surgical wounds.

While the removal of your wisdom teeth is a more involved procedure than typical dental visits, it is a very worthwhile procedure for many people as it can eliminate painful problems associated with impacted teeth, or with teeth and gum problems associated with the improper development of your wisdom teeth.

Posted on 21:33 by Unknown

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Tuesday 25 November 2014

If you have missing teeth, and are looking for Pearland cosmetic dentistry, you no longer have to rely on bridges or dentures for replacement teeth. Pearland Family Dentistry offers implant procedures that can replace your teeth with permanent, natural looking replacements that look great and perform just like your natural teeth.

A dental implant is a natural looking replacement tooth that is made from porcelain to match your natural teeth. This tooth is affixed to a titanium post, which is implanted securely in your jawbone. This post provides the base for the replacement tooth and works similarly to a natural tooth root.

Advantages of Implants

There are many advantages to implant dentistry, and the most beneficial feature of implants is their natural look and feel. They prevent cosmetic issues associated with missing teeth, but implants have advantages over other replacement options as well. Because the titanium post is implanted in the jawbone, it helps to retain facial features and contours by retaining the supporting bones of the face. As compared to bridges, implants are more natural and they will not affect other teeth. Bridges depend on other surrounding teeth for support. In the final analysis, an implant will appear more like a natural tooth and will function like a natural tooth as well.

When it comes to care from your dentist in Pearland after an implant, there is no difference between an implant and natural teeth. Implants are quite versatile as well. You can obtain an implant for a single tooth, or multiple teeth. They can also be used to provide support for existing bridges or dentures. Every tooth implant procedure involves custom fitting to ensure a precise fit and natural appearance.

Are You An Ideal Candidate for an Implant?

Dental implants are a great solution for most healthy people who are missing one or more of their natural teeth. The permanency of implants and their natural look and feel make them an attractive solution for many people. Pearland modern dentistry and orthodontics have made dental implants are so versatile, that here are almost no age restrictions for adult candidates. There are some other health restrictions however so to determine if you are suitable the best first step is a consultation with one of our dentists. An examination by a Pearland Dentist will be conducted of your jaws and gums to determine their health and viability for an implant procedure.

Most people who have a healthy jawbone and gum tissue are good candidates for a dental implant. There must also be adequate jawbone tissue available to facilitate an implant. Those with jawbone issues may not be good candidates as the implant may not be successful. Those with uncontrolled diabetes will have problems with an implant as well due to the healing process required. Additionally, individuals who are undergoing treatment for cancer such as radiation or chemotherapy are not good candidates for a dental implant for similar reasons.

To find out if a dental implant is the right tooth replacement option for you, contact Pearland Family Dentistry to schedule an implant dentistry consultation with our experienced dentists.

Dental Implant Procedure Overview

After your consultation with a family dentist in Pearland, a surgical procedure can be scheduled which will involve the first phase of the implant process. After sedation, the surgical procedure will require that the titanium post implanted in the jawbone. This implantation is the most invasive part of the procedure. The next step involves a waiting period to ensure the proper healing of your bone and gum tissue after the implant surgery is complete. During the healing process, the bone will begin to bond with the titanium implant to provide a strong foundation for the replacement tooth. Once the healing process is complete, it will be time for the attachment of your new natural-looking replacement tooth to the titanium post. Since a replacement tooth can become worn or damaged over time just like a real tooth, the implanted post is permanent and durable so you can always replace a damaged or worn tooth if necessary.

A dental implant has become a viable solution for many people in the Houston area. If you think this procedure may help you and if would like to learn about your potential candidacy for dental implants, please contact an experienced Houston dentist at Pearland Family Dentistry. We can provide you with more information and schedule a consultation to review your needs and your present dental health to see if dental implants are the solution for you.

Posted on 04:38 by Unknown

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Tuesday 11 November 2014

Pearland Family Dentistry cares about your dental health and maintaining your oral health is easy with five basic steps that you can start today.

Regular Visits to Your Dentist 

How often should you visit a Pearland Dentist? This answer may be different for everyone. Those with periodontal problems may require visits more often than someone without these issues. Not everyone has serious problems with their oral health, so for most people, cleanings should be undertaken every 6 to 12 months. So be sure to keep all of your appointments and follow your dentist’s suggestions for regular dental hygiene.

One of the most important reasons to schedule regular visits to your family dentist in Pearland is not only to ensure proper cleanings, but also to identify problem conditions before they become worse. Most conditions can be addressed quickly if caught in time, but if they are ignored these conditions may develop in to more serious issues.
These issues can often gum disease such as gingivitis, or worse, a tooth or gum infection known as a dental abscess. These can be extremely painful, but more importantly if this type of infection is not treated properly, the infection could spread to the bloodstream causing a life-threatening situation. Corrective measures at some Houston dentists can be quite involved and costly, and may sometimes involve surgery.

Good Oral Hygiene

In addition to regular visits to your dentist, everyone should engage in some basic oral hygiene practices. It is often said that the most effective way to prevent tooth decay is to practice daily oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing. This will remove plaque that carries bacteria and stimulates your gums to keep them healthy. As plaque builds up over time, it can create tartar, which is a hardened form of plaque that is difficult to remove. The best practice is to spend at least two full minutes brushing, making sure that you brush all inside and outside surfaces of your teeth. Proper flossing will involve the insertion of floss between your teeth at each tooth to make sure any food or plaque is removed from these areas.

Use the Right Mouthwash

There are various types of mouthwash available and some are sold as cosmetic products that merely cover bad breath, while others fall into the category of therapeutic oral rinses that are designed to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Active ingredients in these oral rinse products are designed to prevent plaque buildup and gingivitis, and they are available with anti-cavity ingredients such as fluoride to help prevent tooth decay. The use of anti-bacterial ingredients also helps to prevent tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath, also known as halitosis.

Proper Flossing

Brushing alone will not clear debris, plaque and tartar from in between your teeth and this is why flossing properly is so important. Flossing also helps to keep your gums healthy. Proper technique when flossing involves a firm grip on the floss with your hands. This is accomplished by winding it around your middle finger on each hand, and then pinching it between your thumb and forefingers so you can pull it tight. The taught section in between your fingers should be guided between your teeth, and the floss should be used to glide and slide against the surface of each tooth to free up any debris.

Maintain a Proper Diet

The foods that you eat can contribute significantly to your overall dental health. Foods that are high in acids and sugar are both harmful to the enamel on your teeth and should be eaten in moderation. This includes candy, citrus fruits, soft drinks and even high-carb foods such as bread or crackers. Wine, tea and coffee are notorious for staining teeth so they should be taken in moderation as well. The best foods to promote overall dental health are also foods that will provide good overall health. These include fruits and vegetables as well as healthy doses of water fortified with fluoride. Dairy products are also important sources of calcium and are known to have an important role in the repair of tooth enamel.

Oral health is not only about keeping your body free of illness and infection; pride in your appearance can help your mental state as well. When you look good, you feel good and flashing a healthy smile is a great way to look your best and maintain positivity. With advancements in Pearland modern dentistry and orthodontics, almost any dental defect can be corrected today so make sure you visit your dentist in Pearland often. For a family seeking the best in dental care of Pearland, be sure to stop contact Pearland Family Dentistry today.

Posted on 22:00 by Unknown